IDNCF Dutch Oven Fuel Treatment


Last updated: 2024-04-26

The type of incident is Prescribed Fire and involves the following unit(s) Nez Perce – Clearwater National Forests.

State: Idaho


Latitude: 45° 49 32.16 Longitude: 115° 31 55.44

NOTE: All fire perimeters and points are approximations.

Incident Overview: Given forecasted weather showing an increase in moisture and a decrease in temperatures, we will pause burning operations, until a more favorable weather window presents itself. Once operations have resumed, updates will be made available.The primary purpose of this project is to reduce hazardous fuels within designated Rural Wildland Urban Interface lands adjacent to Elk City, ID. Activities are to reduce fuels created from logging operations and create planting sights for new trees post harvest. Like the Landscape burning it also helps reduce the potential for, and intensity of, subsequent wildfire and increase the chance for fire suppression strategies and tactics to be successful. There is a need to enhance wildfire suppression capability and provide for public and firefighter safety by reducing the amount of available fuel and implementing strategic treatments to provide safety zones and escape routes. 

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