Last updated: — The type of incident is Wildfire and involves the following unit(s) Cleveland National Forest. — State: California — Coordinates: Latitude: 33°...
Last updated:
The type of incident is Wildfire and involves the following unit(s) Flathead National Forest.
State: Montana
Latitude: 47° 51 18 Longitude: 113° 9 25
NOTE: All fire perimeters and points are approximations.
Incident Overview: The Pentagon Fire is not currently impacting the Continental Divide Trail (CDT) but is located near a popular alternative CDT route along trail 83 (Spotted Bear River trail) north of Spotted Bear Pass and trail 173 (Pentagon Creek trail) toward Switchback Pass. A closure order is pending.A recon flight on August 3, 2024 confirmed reported observations of a fire on the south side of Spotted Bear River between Lime Creek and Wall Creek. The fire is currently estimated at 62 acres, burning in steep, rocky, and rugged terrain approximately 0.5 miles south of the Pentagon Cabin Administrative Site. Both Spotted Bear and Beartop Lookouts reported visible smoke late on August 2, enabling detection and triangulation of the fire. The fire was started by lightning from a dry thunderstorm on July 24 and while multiple detection flights have flown the area, fire activity was not visible until August 2. Firefighters hiked into the area on August 3 to begin contacting public in the area and initiate point protection operations at the Pentagon Cabin Administrative Site. They were supported by a Type 2 helicopter for multiple fuel cycles. The helicopter bucket work checked the fire to allow more time for public contacts and firefighter actions ahead of the rain that was received on August 4. Fire managers have developed a strategy with the highest probability of success to manage this fire. They have based their strategy on protecting critical values at risk and prioritizing the safety of the public and responders, while preserving landscape characteristics in the Bob Marshall Wilderness.