tips for outdoor cooking
Use your senses. Rarely do two people interpret a recipe the same way. There will also be variables like wind, a warped pan, or a off-brand ingredient that can affect the outcome of your dish. Luckily, you have your senses to help guide you. Unless you’ve had Covid-19 and your senses are still impacted. Regardless, implement them, and listen to your intuition.
Prep. Many of the recipes we post have a “prep” section. This alerts you to what is best prepared at home so that cooking your meal will be quick, easy and fun once you arrive at camp. Of course, you can also prepare nearly everything outside without doing anything at home. The main method describes how to finish the recipe at your campsite using your prepped ingredients.
Pack food in reusable containers and bags. Unless your in Grizzly bear country or in an established bear management area where adherence to special camp cooking procedures; ziplock bags are portable, space saving, and leak proof. Even so, I am still wary of mixing plastic and food and an conscious of plastic’s environmental impacts. If you can, use alternatives, such as silicone food storage bags. Bee’s Wrap (a beeswax-coasted fabric that works like plastic wrap), and stainless-steel or glass containers. Otherwise, was hang dry, and reuse your ziplock bags.