Share your views on the Cairngorms National Park


This September the Cairngorms National Park Authority will be running a consultation to gather views for the next Partnership Plan, the document that directs and focusses work taking place across the Park over the next five years.

In 2017, when we last asked people for their views on the Cairngorms National Park, we were not familiar with the word ‘Covid-19’ or the concept of ‘lockdown’, and the world was still waking up to the realities of a climate emergency. So much has changed over the past five years – for individuals, for businesses, for communities – so we are proposing to run some ‘warm-up’ exercises over the summer; to get early feedback on what people are thinking and shape the formal consultation to come.

From the impact of Covid-19 to Scotland’s climate change commitments, a rise in staycations to new housing projects and business ventures, the next five years will have a profound impact on those that live, visit and work in the area. We need your help to shape the future direction of the National Park, to ensure our next Partnership Plan is focused on the issues that really matter.

Across the summer we want to hear your Views of the Park. We will be speaking to as many people as possible, face to face and virtually, visiting communities (when it is safe to do so!), asking questions and hosting online activity. We will be giving everyone the opportunity to tell us what they think, in person, online or with good old fashioned paper and pen.

As a starting point, we will be asking questions covering these six main themes:

People and nature
Economic recovery
Achieving net zero emissions
Visitors to the Park
Local communities
A Park for everyone

Grant Moir, Chief Executive of the Cairngorms National Park Authority, said: “The development of a new Partnership Plan is a great opportunity for everyone to help shape the future of the Cairngorms. So much has changed since the last time and there are big issues to consider and address, such as, the climate emergency, biodiversity crisis and how we recover from the impact of the pandemic. This Plan feels like the most important in the Park’s almost 20 year history and that’s why it is vital that we listen to the views of everyone who has an interest in this incredible place and find the right way forward.”

Xander McDade, Convener of the Cairngorms National Park Authority expands, “The Cairngorms National Park means something different to everyone and regardless of whether they live here, work here or come to enjoy it as a visitor we want to hear their views.  We want to gather thoughts and opinions from as many people as possible; so we can understand people’s priorities and shape the kind of questions we should be asking later in the year. I would encourage everyone to have a say and we will be using many different ways to listen, but it is vital that people use this opportunity to shape our Park as the decisions we take today will impact us for decades to come.”

Over the next six months we will be collecting views in a variety of ways, but one of the quickest and easiest ways to have your say is to visit where you will find more information on all the themes, and a space to share your thoughts and ideas. Alternatively you can call +44 (0) 1479 873 535 and ask for a hard copy version of the survey questions.


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